Redis 7 with TLS, NodeJS, Heroku, Docker Compose, and Bull How I upgraded my app to use Redis 7 with TLS
My first Salesforce CLI Plugin Part 4—The new sf plugin architecture and refactoring the project Learning the new sf plugin architecture and hacking it to use Jest instead of Chai, also...
My first Salesforce CLI Plugin Part 3—Mocking an sfdx directory with Jest In this entry, I explain how I used Jest to mock the file structure of an sfdx project
My first Salesforce CLI Plugin Part 2—Using Node.js to read files from an sfdx project directory In part 2 of this series, we explore how to read files from an sfdx project to determine if they have a prefix.
My first Salesforce CLI Plugin Part 1—The idea and progress so far Join me as I document my journey to creating my first Salesforce CLI plugin. It's going to change the world...
How to find API calls using deprecated versions of the Salesforce API Salesforce is deprecating old API versions. Here's you you can find out if you are using them.
Building a Salesforce API wrapper with JS part 1—project structure We are creating a JavaScript wrapper around the Salesforce API. This is the project structure that I've used in all my Node.js projects
Parallel Salesforce metadata retrieval with Promise.all(), and the Composite API The Tooling API has limitations to protect the performance of your Salesforce org, but we can bypass them with a bit of ES6 magic and the not-so-known Composite API.
Running specified Apex tests from a GitHub pull request body using Node.js A little bit of JavaScript and Bash magic can help us specify which apex tests to run directly from data in a pull request
How to calculate Salesforce field utilization with Node.js The REST and Metadata APIs can help us calculate how much a field is being used, broken down by record type.